Day of Travel and Reflections from the week

by | May 26, 2023 | Hearts and Hands | 1 comment

 Today was a long day of travel in the van back to San Pedro Sula.  We usually spend our last night in Honduras near the airport so we don’t have any issues with travel on the actual flying day.  So today we spent about 7 or so hours in the van driving from Tocoa back to the big city near the airport.  The van ride, as usual, was a lot of fun with lots of giggles and laughter, music, singing and silly games.  Also a few naps scattered here and there, with some breaks for stretching.  

It is also a time when you have some quiet time to reflect back on the week and all the things we witnessed and were part of.  This has been a truly special week where we have seen so many blessings and even amongst the most poor of all, we saw hope, love and gratitude.  Even in their suffering and pain, these people still some how remain faithful to God.  They know they are loved and that He will provide some how.  To have that kind of faith and strength is amazing.  The team spent time building relationships and creating friendships that will last for a long time.  Relationships are what it is all about.  Community and love and support from another when things are good or bad.  That’s the meaning of all we do right there.  We are not meant to exists alone, but to build each other up and be the village for one another.  

A book I recently finished, “I’ll push You” talks about this very idea of community and support and being pushed beyond your comfort zone.  Learning to lean on people in ways that may be uncomfortable and realizing how much we need each other to get through this crazy thing called life.  It’s a story of friendship and love, hope and sacrifice.  It talks about the deep connections that we all long for.  These are all things that are the most important part of mission.  Connections that last and grow and push us out of our boundaries, and perseverance in the face of adversity.  

I can’t begin to explain the deep love I have for everyone I meet here in Honduras.  Their smiles, their hugs, their compassion and caring.  I miss them all so much when I am gone.  God gives each of us a unique mission in life.  I am truly blessed and thankful for all that I am able to do and for the many blessings that have been put upon me.  

The team had a dinner tonight together to celebrate the week and enjoy each others company all together one more time before heading home.  Such a fun and amazing team, and I am proud to know them all.  

Now as the team rests and prepares for the journey home, we keep everyone close in our hearts and prayers and remain in constant contact.  The work continues when we are gone and it’s until we see again, which we know will be soon.  Never goodbye.  We fly home tomorrow, so prayers for safe and uneventful travel.  

