Wild Wednesday

Wild Wednesday

 Today was a record day in the clinic and we saw 182 patients.  Even though we were busy, we managed a good flow and it didn’t feel like overwhelming.  We have had a few illnesses and injuries in the team so a few people have been staying back resting....
Not Your Average Monday!

Not Your Average Monday!

 Today we had an early start.  6am devotions, breakfast then vans loaded by 7:30am, ready to start the day.  Today was our first day of seeing patients.  There were groups going in different directions, at the church clinic, the grade school, the...
Productive Tuesday

Productive Tuesday

 So by the second day of the clinic/medical mission, we have usually gotten into a groove with how things are going to go, workshopping new ways of doing things and working through the hiccups.  Today was very much a day like that.  We did have an issue...
Celebration Sunday!

Celebration Sunday!

 This morning the team had a later start due to our late night of travel the night before.  We enjoyed a leisurely breakfast and then devotions together.  Devotions are an essential part of this mission and it grounds us in the work that we do and the...
Long Travel Day But We Arrived Safe

Long Travel Day But We Arrived Safe

 Today was an exceptionally long day for the team but we made it here safe and sound.  The majority of the team have been traveling for 24 hours so they are pretty beat.  Arriving at San Pedro Sula Airport we had a minor hiccup with a missing bag....