We bridge needs to calling so you can

Embrace Your Purpose

Join us in transforming lives, locally and in Honduras.

Serve Others

Use your abilities to help those locally and globally.

Give Hope To Others

You don’t have to have all the answers, just a willingness to help.

Real solutions for real needs.

We match your human need of serving with tangible needs in our world.

Who We Are

We are a Christ-centered
organization dedicated to helping others through local and international partnerships, positively impacting lives to the glory of God.

What We Do

ION Missions can assist you with the call that God has placed on your heart to serve others.

Get Involved

Participate in serving locally or globally.

Stories of life change.

“Because we know that a hungry child doesn’t learn well we are so grateful for the people that continually donate to this program. We rely on donations to fund our Center so that we can continue to serve.”

Lizeth Diaz
Director, Center of Resources

This area is a temporary place so we can continue feeding the children while the new center is being built conditions like sanitary needs and safety will be addressed many children who eat at the feeding center.

Pastor Orlin Ochoa Pacheco
Tocoa & LaCeibita Methodist Church

Trina Smith
My name is Fatima Alao. I grew up in the Dominican Republic. I’m the only daughter of a single mother, although my father and his family have been present in my life. The first time I knew God existed was when I was about 7-8. One day my mom and I woke up, ate pieces of plantains with a glass of milk (I disliked eating plantains alone, without cheese or eggs but I knew there must have been a reason), and left for school. As my mom, a teacher, was taking me to school, she told me that we did not have anything else to eat that day. I thought that I was going to die that day! My mom told me some words that I fondly remember: “God will provide”…

When she went to pick me up from school at noon (schools run from 8 am to 12 pm), I again asked her what are we going to do, because, in my little mind, we were doomed! If there is no food, there is no life! I worried and she again calmed me down and said that God will provide…

As we were opening a low metal door onto the front yard of our home, I heard a window opening and an old lady with a shaky voice calling my mom, passing a plate covered with another plate for us to eat! It was rice with cheese! It was my first time! The first time I felt a tremendous joyful Peace (that just blew my mind!) and the first time that I was filled with mana, literally and forever!

Since then, I Know that God provides and through my mom and our neighbor, God showed me the Grace and Mercy that have been with me every moment of my life and because of Him, I have been Blessed beyond my wildest imagination. One of those Blessings is being part of ION Missions, an organization that feeds children like me!

Fatima Alao

Our Partners

We work with organizations, governments and churches locally and globally.

Needs are being met.

Join in today to make a difference.